Following church, and helping the nice lady next door move her refrigerator so she could clean behind it, we drove down the scenic Teton Canyon Road, which takes us directly into the Rocky Mountains. These pictures show us at the end of Teton Canyon Road directly in front of one of the main landmarks in Choteau, Ear Mountain.

We visited a local Roanoke, VA resident, Ellen Aiken, at her beautiful home on the front and the end of Teton Canyon Road
We've taken a "before" picture of Lizzy, the great cross-country car of travel. Tomorrow, she gets a well-earned shower before taking us to Shelby, MT on Tuesday (assuming we can find a driver) to meet the train to our next destination, Milwaukee.
Topics discussed today:
The sermon
The Good Samaritan (we decided if we could find someone almost dead along the road, we'd be Good Samaritans)
We also have a PS from yesterday, when we visited Glacier National Park. On the way up 89 towards Browning, MT, we looked over into one of the many gigantic hay fields bordering the road and saw a very large Bald Eagle flying right towards us. Jim was calm but Harry was ecstatic!
Harry says: Good night Beth
Jim says: Good night Mary Lou and Mac